To obtain Newsletter about Events and Status.
To obtain Newsletter about Events and Status. |
The Current Status of Production Post Production UPDATE March 2007 Great News! Thanks to a few fabulous donors we finally have our DV DECK! AND even more fabulous news. FGH has made it into a National Magazine! Animal Wellness Magazine's April/May issue on stands NOW features an article on the making of FREE to a Good Home!
PLEASE consider donating ONE DAY of Editing to help complete the film! Why just one day? Because we only need about 30 days of editing with a Senior Editor so we just need 30 people to each donate just ONE day of editing! ONLY 30 people!!! OR if you cannot afford one edit day maybe your friends or co-workers would like to all go in on ONE Day of Editing! One day of Editing costs $350. That's 7 people each donating $50 each. Or 10 people donating $35 each. Click to learn more on how you can donate! ALSO we need VOLUNTEERS to help with the final stages of Editing. If you are in the South Bay of Los Angeles and can donate some time to help the film, Please EMAIL US. You just need to be comfortable on a computer! No experience necessary! The number one question I get is, why is it taking so loooong??? The answer is simple. I have a crew of one. Me. Everyone works as a volunteer on this film, including me. From time to time we have to pay someone who has the technical skill to help us on editing etc, and to do that we have to Fundraise to make enough to PAY a technition/ editor/soundmixer to work on the film. So while I fundraiser on the film I also have to work at a regular job to pay my personal rent and bills. The cast all doubled as crew and pitched in lending an unbelievable amount of time. But in the end there are only so many hours in a day and we are continually running out of them. So, Thank you for your patience and understanding! Post Production Update News Jan-Mar 2006 MORE.... Wednesday January 25th, 2006 the sole surviving cat, SHANE, died or was killed, because of a rescued dog Judy had recently taken in. Shane, the female cat named for the movie which was set in Crozier's beloved Wyoming, had over the six years living with Judy put-up with countless rescue dogs and cats, puppies and kittens... The dog, a German Shepherd Puppy, 1 yr, shared a trait with the much loved cat, both of them had, One Blue Eye. He has recently found a new home in Orange County. While the turmoil continues. Judy pushes forward. The film is currently with two potential finishing funds financiers. For more info about Shane please see our daily blog from January. Post Production Update News Sept/Oct 2005 I am sad to report that the post production has been stalled. Currently, we are seeking funding for $3,000.00 to enable us to continue to move forward.
Total $3,000.00 For current or daily updates check out our BLOG. This will enable us to continue to move forward by allowing us the ability to digitize our media prior to meeting with an editor. In the past we rented DV Decks, but because our editing volunteers need to work around their work schedules, renting has become a financial impossibility. Buying the DV Deck would allow editing volunteers to have the freedom to work on the film when they have time. This would also allow us to have the ability to streamline our time with a Senior Editor. As well, we could transfer back to tape newly edited work, to show our progress. There is also a hope that a Senior Editor MIGHT just donate some time, if that editor could edit in their free time as well. And that all media is organized able to be immediately captured. Therefore, the DV Deck purchase is of the UTMOST importance. For further details on the technical problem we encountered click here. POST PRODUCTION UPDATE NEWS Jan/Feb 2005 Recently we discovered a technical problem in some of our editing equipment. This problem caused us to lose TWO months of editing time and money. The cost to redo all that work $2000 PER MONTH. (An NEW external hard drive that contained new editing work and new digital media has crashed and with it all that was on it. This hard drive WAS our back up drive. It was a 200 gig Hard Drive.) We also met with a consultant who gave us some wonderful input on the film and how to improve and COMPLETE FREE to a Good Home. One such peice of advice was to hire a Senior Film Editor BEFORE sound mixing, (Senior Editors for indie films generally are based out of New York. This is a fact Crozier discovered when searching for FGH's final editor, by finding all the editors attached to all the latest Film Festival winners, they were ALL based out of New York. So the hope for FGH is to go to NYC and complete the edit. The problem for FGH is that a Senior Editor is no less than $300 a DAY. One month will cost $10,000. Screenings will be held in both LA and NYC (also a screening will be held in Cleveland , Crozier's hometown) to obtain feedback for any final changes and also raise the final funds for completing this very important film. On top of this is sound mixing, which could run around $2000-5000. FGH is hoping to raise $25,000 to complete the editing AND prepare kits to entice distributors. Thank you for assisting FGH on this completing this important film. $25,000, that's a LOT of Jezebelle's! Post Production News Winter 2004 New Leash on Life and In Defense of Animals used some FGH footage for their media kits and commericals! FGH strives to help the animal cause in anyway we can! We received several very generous donations to aid in finishing the film, we are VERY close to locking picture and hope to have a screening in the next couple of weeks. And Still we will need to scrape together a bit more funding for final nips and tucks. With recent donations we were able to meet with a TOP consultant who had just come from jurying a film festival, who said, she had not been so moved as she had been from our film! If you can, please make a donation today! Please check out our DONATIONS page!
Post Production News JUNE 2004 The number one question I get is, why is it taking so loooong??? The answer is simple. I have a crew of one. Me. Everyone works volunteer on making this film, including me. From time to time we have to pay someone who has the technical skill to help us on editing etc, and to do that we have to Fundraise to make enough to PAY a technition/ editor/soundmixer to work on the film. So while I fundraiser on the film I also have to work at a regular job to pay my personal bills and rent. The cast all doubled as crew and pitched in lending an unbelievable amount of time. But in the end there are only so many hours in a day and we are continually running out of them. So, Thank you for your patience and understanding! Post Production News - In 2004 Footage of FREE to a Good Home has been seen throughout Asia. FARM USA, used the trailers at their ANIMAL RIGHTS Conference in Los Angeles. The Kaui, Hawaii Humane Society requested to screen the film for their fundraising efforts, as well as to aid in FGH post production fundraising. Most recently, the Los Angeles Bar Association requested to screen the film for their event. Crozier filmed with, guerilla-shoot-on-the-fly, Blair Witch-handheld style, which prompted her professor and mentor Paul Zindel to call the film, "The Pet Witch Project." with Crozier and cast running around the streets of LA filming strays. This chaotic approach led to good things for animals and the film. Because of it Crozier has an extensive collection of footage. Law goes into effect January 2004 A represenative from the Doris Day Animal League called Crozier for some footage, which shows two puppies suffering from the effects of anti-freeze poisoning. The usage of the footage was the key to pushing legislation to passage and this past January 2004 marked the debut of a new law where anti-freeze must have a bitter tasting and smelling agent. This new law in California could save the lives of thousands children and pets from the toxic substance.
This is NOT an Urban Legend! At at a Spring 2004 Best Friends adoption event Crozier overheard someone (who noticed the FGH Poster) exclaiming that they thought the "fire story" was an urban legend. Success has been tempered because the production has suffered severe set backs. A fire (December 8, 2001) took the home of the Writer/Director, Judy Crozier, along with five of her six pets and rescues. Just as editing was taking shape, her beloved teacher and mentor Paul Zindel passed away, March 26th 2003. A few monthss after that one cast member and associate producer suffered injury and is currently battling physical and emotional trauma from being struck and injured in the Santa Monica Market Crash July 2003. Crozier has had to stop post production on the film to raise money to continue editing or just to make rent. But the end is near. READ the Email that went around the NATION ABOUT THE FIRE Crozier is relentless in her pursuit to complete this film with the highest level of production values possible. Feedback on the rough cuts have been very positive. One reason for her determination is because the pets she lost in the fire are in the film. The film is dedicated to the pets she lost and all pets lost in US Shelters. Post Production News Jan/Feb 2005 FREE to a Good Home is closer than it has ever been to being ready for distribution. And with it, the last push of fundraising for the film. FGH needs your help to get the word out about upcoming fundraising events. You may not know someone who lives in the LA area but maybe a friend of a friend who you forward this email to, does. Regardless where anyone lives please visit our website often, post on message boards your rescue stories. This film is like The Little Engine that Could. Crozier set out to make a feature film, without money, without a budget and with disaster at every turn, simply because in 2001 OPRAH said, Use Your Life, and Crozier said, I think I can. If you are in the LA area, you can usually find the Writer/Director putting her time in with volunteering on weekends at adoption events around LA. Stop by the Adopt-a-ChowLA booth and say hello, pick up an FGH events flyer or Postcard and post them in your school, place of work, or local dog park. This film project emulates the grass roots efforts of animal rescuers, and film has counted on rescuers for support. The film, when completed, will be used to raise awareness and funding for rescue groups in Los Angeles, and throughout the country.
Why does FGH need additional funding? Sound Mixing is a Vital part of filmmaking without it a good film and even LOOK bad. Please check out our newly updated DONATIONS page!
Screenings and Fundraisers Plans for the final fundraising push are underway. Fundraiser screenings are to be held across the country to raise final finishing funds for the film (and the rescue groups that help organize the fundraiser). Please contact us if you can help in anyway. SEE our EVENTS listing for current news of screenings and Fundraisers! So thank you to all who gave of their time, money, donations, support and feedback. This film has truly been a labor of love from all animal rescuers and supporters throughout LA. CONTACTING US We have heard that our phone number has not been reliable in taking messages. We only have Voice Mail at this time. If you have tried to contact us about being a possible Matching Donator PLEASE email us for a private phone number. Please make checks payable to BreaknThruFilms. FGH NEWS for Rescuers see our new links page Sad News to Report about the passing of Dan Knapp................ Read More |
HomenSynopsis Bios TrailersnLinksnStatus of Production DonatenEvents Jezebelle'snBlogs nContact Us How a Pic of Your Dog Can be on OUR Movie Poster! UPDATED: Sunday, 18 March, 2007 12:03 PM |